"I am told I used to draw before fully able to speak. I am used to expressing myself as much if not more, through unspoken forms than spoken ones. I find myself in music, dance, poetry, photography and in communion with nature. To me everything is art, and beauty is everywhere if you are looking with your whole being and not just your physical eyes. I wanted to share with all of you this important part of myself; thank you for being here."

For more of my writings find me at: https://medium.com/@agapiermides


Winter in NY 2023

Psychedelic/Ketamine Therapy in Troy NY; End-of-Life Support's image


They say that even death can’t put an end to Love.

Love is supreme, Love lives on…
in the remnants of your breath in the passing wind,
in the dust that floats unseen,
in the dreams that haunt us to a state serene.

You are the soft caress of a lovely breeze,
the salty thought of Greek olive trees,
a sweet melody hummed, underneath
the pain that this life brings.

So smile now, for you are free!
Sway about like a willow tree,
may your rays of light supreme,
guide us toward our final dream.



Psychedelic/Ketamine Therapy in Troy NY; End-of-Life Support's image

Greece and Italy 2023